Now that I've been shooting for a week with the Oly I tried out some different aspect ratios in camera today instead of the standard 4:3. I noticed that when imported into Lightroom the images first appeared at 4:3 then cropped to whatever I had selected (in this case 16:9). Sometimes the crop was in an annoying place. I Googled a bit and found tons of people complaining about the arbitrary crop and that they had lost image data and it wasn't recoverable.
Well... to cut a long story short, they're wrong, it's still there. If you want to change one image, go into crop mode (shortcut R) and you'll see the entire image with the selected aspect ratio auto cropped. You can move the crop or unlock it and you've got the full 4:3 back again. If you want to change a whole series (maybe you had it set wrong in camera) you can select the first image and reset it (ctrl-shift-R) then sync that image onto all the others by highlighting the remainder of the series (shift click the last one) then press Sync and all fixed :).
Lightroom rarely does anything destructive that cannot be recovered when working in raw.
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