Sunday, 23 September 2018

Using available light.

Using available light. Flash or available light? I always prefer available light especially when shooting people. Flash creates shadows where shadows shouldn't be. This is the wonderful B La'Belle posing in a crate in an abandoned warehouse.

Monday, 11 June 2018

This will show you how stable a tripod isn't when it's windy.

This will show you how stable a tripod isn't when it's windy... So if you're still getting blur on your long exposures maybe this is why.

This wasn't a micky mouse tripod either, this was a very heavy Vanguard Alta 264AT with a roughly 1kg head and 1.5kg camera and lens.

The way to avoid this apart from sheltering the tripod is to remove any camera straps, minimise your height and to hang a rock or sand bag from the hook on the bottom of the tripod.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Why do you shoot at the widest aperture you've got?

Why do you shoot at the widest aperture you've got?
Simple to pull your subject out of the background and limit the impact of unwanted foreground. This shot at f1.2 on the Olympus 45mm f1.2 prime is a classic example of how the subject just jumps out of the shot. I've included a near 100% crop to show that the important detail is retained. This is one of the main advantages of crop sensor over the "big boys" - you can use a much brighter lens but still get awesome depth of field. Are we learning yet?

Did you know that the D in DSLR stands for dinosaur? Put it away and get a modern mirrorless platform.

#olympus #45f1.2pro

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Over of the cool things about 2x mirrorless is you can shoot at 2.

Over of the cool things about 2x mirrorless is you can shoot at 2.8 or 3.5 in low light all day long with plenty of depth of field and lovely smooth backgrounds.

Did you know that the D in DSLR stands for dinosaur? Put it away and get a modern mirrorless platform.

#faerie #faerierade2018 #olympus #om-d

Monday, 22 January 2018

Want to do more people photography but haven't got a handy model?

Want to do more people photography but haven't got a handy model? Take a frame out in public, hang it and they will come. Never fails.